While our masks use an Anti-Fog lens, they can still become foggy, and its generally a little more common in the first few uses. Here's a little explanation why it happens and what you can do to fix it.
What causes this?
Fog is generally caused when temperature of the lens drops below the dew point of the air inside the mask causing condensation (think cold water on one side vs warm body temp on the other).
What often makes it worse, is that often there is a residue left over from the manufacturing process that coats the lens. The miniscule water drops build up on this causing the fog you see.
This can also happen with dirt and oils on the lens from normal use, so its good practice to ensure you mask is regularly rinsed and cleaned.
How to fix it:
There's a couple of ways to fix this:
1. Spit in your mask - Easiest, but probably least effective.
Quick spit and rub on the inside of your lens before entering the water. Give a light rinse out and try not to touch before putting on your mask.
2. The Toothpaste Trick - Surprisingly effective and everyone usually has some
While dry, use a small amount of common white non-gritty, non-minty toothpaste and rub it on both sides of the lens. Rinse the lens with clean water to wash away the toothpaste and/or use a cloth to clean difficult areas. Dry completely with a cloth and repeat a few times.
3. Baby Shampoo - Works great.
This is a great defogging agent – it is cheap and as it is designed for babies it will not sting during the dive if some gets washed into your eyes. Rub on the inside of your lens before entering the water. Give a light rinse out and try not to touch before putting on your mask.
Hot tip: Some divers carry a little bottle of this pre-mixed with water, and carry with their dive gear so its always on hand.
4. Commerical Defogger - Made for the job.
Works similarly to the baby shampoo. Rub on the inside of your lens before entering the water. Give a light rinse out and try not to touch before putting on your mask.
We hope this helps!